Friends: Having many friends is the easiest and most efficient way to earn tons and tons of
swagbucks. For each friend you have you can earn up to 100
swagbucks. Now that is where some people get confused, so let me explain. For each person you refer to you can receive up to 100
swagbucks ONLY from the
swagbucks they win while searching, NOT from any other form of earning swagbucks. REPEAT, ONLY from searching. To clarify, lets pretend I'm your friend and I win 2
swagbucks while searching, that means that you ALSO receive 2
swagbucks because I'm your friend. Also it this is not a pyrimid deal, you ONLY recieve the swagbucks from your friends NOT the friend of your friends.
Now to get friends you must have them sign up using your referral link. You can find this link at the bottom of your account page after selecting My Profile. You can also use promotion banners as a way to have friends sign up. I recommend only referring to friends that you know will be interested in earning
swagbucks, not the friends who will sign up just to make you happy.

I also recommend NOT using the email system on It will send out a mass e-mail to all the contacts you have saved to whatever email site you use. This may seem great, but in fact it is terrible because the sign up link in the email doesn't allow you to become friends with the person after they sign up.
A good way to get many of your friends to sign up is to create a Note on your
Facebook page and tag some of your friends in it. Make sure that your note explains all the aspects of You can use my Note as an example. Feel free to use the magic of copy and paste.
Example Note for
Facebook: see post below

Shopping: With every 5 dollars spent you can earn 1 SB. This deal is only good at participating stores and when you
log in at the specified web site below. This is definitely not the quickest way to make a
swagbuck, but if you frequently shop at any of the stores then you could potentially earn a good sum of
swagbucks Specials: There are several other ways to make
Swagbucks fast, one of which is to be the Hourly Random Winner. Every Hour a person is selected to win 5
swagbucks, the home page is where they announce the winner. Here's the catch, if you win you have to click on the button to redeem your 5
swagbucks, and if you miss your name then your out of luck.

By now you have probably seen the
swagbucks polls, and noticed that each one is submitted by a member of You probably didn't know that if you submit a poll idea and it gets used then you can win 10
swagbucks. You can contact the Swag Guy at It takes maybe a minute to do and you can enter as many ideas as you want.

If your an experienced
Swaggernaut then you probably have collected a prize or two, but did you know that if you take a picture or video of you opening your prize that you can earn
swagbucks. Submit your video's to the
Swagbucks page on
Youtube and you can earn 2 swagbucks for up too 2 videos. If you submit your pictures to the
swagbucks page on
Flickr you can recieve 1 swagbuck for up too 5 pictures. Both Links are at the top of the page

SwagStakes: Are the Mega Millions of Every week the swag guy has a
swagstakes and gives away 100
swagbucks. It costs only 1
swagbuck to enter for your chance to win. There are also other types of prizes you can win through
swagstakes such as a
Xbox 360 bundle or a PS3 bundle. You can enter any one of these as many times as you want, but the prices vary depending on the prizes.

You now know everything you need to know about how to earn swagbucks as easily as possible, but if you have any more questions you can visit the FAQ page at or contact me at the email address show to your left. Thanks for taking your time to read this and if you think this was helpful recommend this to a friend.
-If you have any comments on how I can improve this let me know, and if you voted in the poll please specify why you voted the way you did by leaving a comment. This will allow me to keep on improving, Thanks.
- Andrew D.